Saturday, January 8, 2011

Coyotes are wild animals

Today we were driving our car on SW Multnomah Blvd and I saw a real coyote. Dad said that people have been feeding coyotes and that's bad. It's the same with all wild animals. You should never touch them or feed them or they will get used to coming to people for food. They could then hurt people or the pets. If one came near me, I would say "Dude, go away!" so he wouldn't get used to me. If they come near people, then wildlife officers might have to kill them. Here is a picture my mom took of a coyote that went through our backyard earlier this year.

For more information about coyotes in the city, check out


  1. Owen, This is a great post! I will share it with Moon. It is very important to learn about how to give wild animals space.
